
Bella is Here

I’m holding the newest addition to our church, Bella Freyder. Lauren and Drew gave birth last week in Jackson, MS running from the storm. She’s precious and reminds us that God is still blessing us with the joy of sons and daughters. Lauren brought her by the office so that we could all get a sneak peak. It’s been a while since I’ve held one that small, but it all came back to me.



It’s hard to believe that it’s been 7 years since the terrorist’s attack on the Twin Towers in NYC. I can still remember being glued to the TV in my office comforted by the presence of our staff as we watched in horror the events unfold. Today I read in Psalms 55:4-5, “My heart pounds in my chest. The terror of death assaults me. Fear and trembling overwhelm me and I can’t stop shaking.” What an impact that day has had on all of our lives, from flying to government to elections. Those terrifying events have changed our lives forever, but we have a promise in Christ. Verse 16 says, “But I will call on God and the Lord will rescue me.” I’m so glad that when things happen that shake our world we can go to God and He can be trusted. In that psalm it says to give your burdens to the Lord and he will take care of you. Would you give Him your burdens today? He can handle it. I promise.


Serving: Our Communities

You see the pictures above of HOF serving the communities of Lutcher/Gramercy and at home at HOF. When we see a storm coming we see an opportunity to serve. After we’ve taken care of our families, we want to turn our attention to those who are lonely and affected to help them the best that we can. We have a mandate to do what we can to help them. As part of the PRC Compassion Team we were able to give out blue tarps, MREs, and water to those who were adversely affected. What a privilege it is to serve.


The Clean Up Is On

Helllo everyone from HOF and those of you who are out of our area. We survived the storm just fine, like everyone else we were without power and had much debris. I personally got power restored Thurday morning. The church is still without power but we are hoping for something real soon. The place is alive with our great staff as we are finding ways to help our community. We'll be reaching out to the Lutcher/Gramercy area today with tarps and water and MRE which stands for Meals Ready to Eat. We are also setting up a RELIEF SITE at our main campus to meet the needs of the Gonzales area. We were given a refrigeration truck that we are trying to get going so that we can give out ice to those still without power. Also, WE ARE HAVING CHURCH ON SUNDAY with our without power. We'll be doing two services at the normal times and so we hope to see all of you there. Let's serve our community in their time of need.