
Live your best life today

While S.O.A.P.ing this morning I thought this might encourage you in your life and walk today.

Psalms 101:2b I will lead a life of integrity in my own house.

This was the desire of King David as he wrote this psalm, and he gives us some key points as to how to do this.  I can't think of a better or more needed place to live a life of integrity than in our homes.  I know that I've been tempted to "slack off" and view my home as a place to get away rather than a place to really live my life well.  When I think about it, the home is the best and most important place to live that life of integrity.  It's where it all starts.  Jesus wants to start working in your home.   Here's what David said:

 First the don'ts
  • v. 3 Don't look at wrong images:
    -TV and internet, caution.
    -Images stick in our minds.
    -Say "yes" to God and He'll help you say "no" to the junk.
  • Choose friends wisely:
    -You become like them.
    -Don't underestimate the power of this truth.
  • v. 4 Reject perverse ideas:
    - Fill your mind w/ God ideas.
    -Read the Bible for God's ideas.
  • Don't endure pride and conceit.:
    -It's not about you.
    -Some never get this, you must if you are going to prosper.
Now the Do's
  • v. 6 Have faithful people for friends-Get in a small group, asap.
    -These kinds of friends are like gold in your life.
    -These friends have a genuine faith and encourage you in yours.
  • v. 8 Work to bring freedom to others in your city.
    -You need to have a cause, and a purpose. 
    -Serve the Lord in your local church.
    -Find it and live it.


You have to be able to say "yes" in order to say "no"

I don't know why, but when I run God seems to give me things.  This morning as I ran, I was thinking about all the pain in the world because it's so hard to say "no" to some things.  Just think if we could say "no" to unhealthy lifestyles, we'd render the healthcare debate moot.  You do realize that most disease is a lifestyle issue and could be avoided by changing your behavior?  What if we could say "no" to impulsive buying, we could totally defeat this whole credit crisis that the world is experiencing.  If we could say "no" to our emotions, we could see real relationships blossom and thrive.                          

This is the thought I had:

  Saying "yes" to God enables you to say "no" to all the wrong stuff.

When an unclean spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, seeking rest but finding none. 44 Then it says, "I will return to the person I came from." So it returns and finds its former home empty, swept, and in order.  matt. 12:43-44

An empty house will deteriorate in an unbelievably short amount of time.  That's why empty homes don't sell well, nor do they age well.  Emptiness means they respond to the environment around them.  When it's cold, the house is cold, when it's hot, the house is hot.  Hot and cold means expansion and contraction and will ruin a house.  That's why we keep our homes a constant temperature.
  Saying "yes" to Jesus fills your house with Him.  Continually saying "yes" to Jesus, continually fills your house with Him.  It produces a constant spiritual temp that wards off the unclean looking for someone who's empty.  Note that your house can be swept and in order, but still a destination for something unclean.  Neat and orderly cannot replace being filled.  It's not enough to get your life in order, but you must say "yes" to God's plan for you, then you'll be filled with purpose, direction, passion, and love.  Then it'll be much easier to say "no" to the unclean things that try your life.
     If you are having trouble saying "no" to some unhealthy things in life, why don't you try taking and moment and say "yes" to Jesus.

Jeremiah 7:23 (New International Version, ©2011)

23 but I gave them this command: Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in obedience to all I command you, that it may go well with you.