
Day to Be Dad

Got to just be dad today with my 7 yr. old Nathan. He had a fieldtrip to New Orleans to the Aquarium and the IMAX theatre. We had a blast just hanging out looking at cool stuff and him being there with his friends from school. I love watching him interact with the boys in his class and also the girls. You get a better picture of who they are developing into as you watch them respond to the teacher and friends. We are so blessed to have a great school like Faith Academy and devoted teachers like Ms. Christian, yes that’s really her name. Nathan thinks the world of her, and so do we. She treats it as more than a job, she really loves our children and we can tell. Its good to put faces with the names we hear at the dinner table and in some cases meet their parents. Great day for going to New Orleans, it was beautiful.


The Lutcher/Gramercy Meeting

We had a great time meeting with some people on Saturday morning about launching a campus in the Lutcher/Gramercy area. Got to share vision and our heart for what we believe God has called us to do. A lot of work has gone into that place by our XG youth as they have been doing a Thursday night youth meeting since Oct. 192006. We feel that the next logical step is a full blown church plant. We already have a campus pastor, a campus youth pastor, and children’s workers, plus worship is in place. We are going to be building a core over the next few weeks and months toward a goal to launch sometime this summer/fall. If you want to be a part of that team then email me and we’ll get you in the loop. Jesus spoke before His Ascension and said, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone…” Well, I’ve got to go.