
All Gave Some, Some Gave All

On Monday I had the privilege to be a part of the Memorial Day Service held at the Veterans Park next to the Gonzales branch of the Library. It was a unique affair different than most things of which I am a part. It was somewhat like a funeral, yet also like a celebration. We honored those who have given their lives while serving in the armed forces around the world throughout all of the conflicts that we’ve been through: Korea, Vietnam, WWI & II, Desert Storm and the war on terror. The phrase, “Freedom isn’t Free” was repeated several times and I have been pondering the price of what I enjoy each and every day. I believe that the Holy Spirit reminded me that “God gave His only begotten Son…” just as other families have given their sons and daughters. This idea of going off to fight for what we value is not a new concept nor did it begin with America. We have a great heritage of self sacrifice from the days of our birth as a nation till today. I’ve never served in our armed forces and in some ways I regret that decision. I am challenged by the scripture to take up my cross and die daily for the cause of Christ. I so appreciate all who have served and especially those who’ve given all so that I can live in the USA of today. I’m equally appreciative of all who’ve died to self so that I could have a choice to repent and receive Christ personally. No matter how you think about it, we enjoy everything we have as a result of someone else’s decision to “give all” so that the cause of Christ and America live on today. I want to be one of the ones who gives all because I believe in both.


Last day of school

You see some pictures of some of my kids and their classmates who are in the last few minutes of the school year for them. They are all so excited at the prospect of throwing off the confines of school, uniforms, homework, and a heavily scheduled life. They really have no idea of what they are in for do they? I was reading in the Proverbs this week that a wise son loves discipline, instruction, and guidance. They think that if they had no responsibility they would be happy. We know that they are young, but what about when we think that if we didn’t have any responsibility that we would be happy.


Next Governor?

Today we were able to spend 40 minutes with Bobby Jindal, probably our next Governor. He is such a genuine person to meet with. You can tell that God's hand is on him. He is also a champion of the family as his faith in God guides his voting in the U.S. Congress. He is very in tune to the culture wars being waged in the halls of Congress and I feel good knowing he is representing Louisiana. He is campaigning hard to be the next Governor and I sense that a new day is dawning for Louisiana and a new Louisiana is arising. I feel like he would be an answer to my personal prayers for godly leaders in the state. We also met with Senator Vitter who graciously received us. Louisana has some good guys in Washington of which we can be proud. Continue to pray for all of our leades and let's be a part of something historic.


World Class Leaders

Pictured with me are two of Louisiana's finest leaders, Gene Mills and Toni Perkins. Tony is head of Family Research Council which is a national watchman for the family. Gene Mills with LA Family Forum who works at the state level for the family. We are in Washington D.C. with 350 pastors to see God's watchmen sound the call for all christian people to stand for what is right. I am priviledged to know and learn from these men. They challenge me to continually look at what's happening in the culture. They are also great christians with great families. If you ever get asked to participate or give to the organizations they lead, I would urge you to invest. When we invest in them we are investing in the future of the family.


Family Super Heroes

Spiderman opened this weekend to record crowds, but the real super heroes gathered at the Marriot for the Louisiana Family Forum Awards banquet to honor those state legislators who are heroes for the family. I am pictured with two such heroes, Rep. Mert Smiley and Rep. Eddie Lambert. I am so proud of these men as they have taken a stand for the family not just in talk but in their votes for the family this past legislative session. Both of them scored 100% on the LFF scorecard and each received the Patrick Henry award shown. We are blessed to be represented by two outstanding men of character. My prayer is that we would see the capital in Baton Rouge filled with men and women who would be heroes for the family. Family is the bedrock of our society and what is good for families is good for all of us. Thanks so much you 2 super heroes. Spiderman has nothing on you.


Beta Convention

I'm in Lafayette today with our school Beta Club and my two sons. I'm the only man on the trip, where are the men at? We are in the Cajun Dome with 10,000 junior high students. The picture is of the kids doing something called the macarena. The kids are glad to be out of school for 2 days. It's good for them to be part of something bigger than themselves. They are great kids and full of potential. I like to hang with them. We'll go to the rock wall tonight and eat pizza. I'm sure I'll be up late with 4 boys in my room. This is where you touch lives!


I Can’t Let You On That Roof

I had a most interesting experience today while checking on the progress of the new roof being put on our north campus. Having worked in construction during college and having an engineering degree, I felt like it is my duty to make sure we are getting what we are paying for. The foreman, a good man, told me, “I can’t let you on that roof”. After a highly animated and passionate phone call to the general contractor I was allowed to see the progress and satisfied that all was going according to plan. My point is that often time the devil will try to tell us, “you can’t do that” when we know good and well that we have the authority in Christ. Knowing who you are and what you can do is as important in living for God as in business. Psalms 103:2 encourages us to not forget all of His benefits which the psalm goes on to list. Forget means to lose the use of. God has given us some good stuff; don’t let anybody talk you out of it.