
Family Super Heroes

Spiderman opened this weekend to record crowds, but the real super heroes gathered at the Marriot for the Louisiana Family Forum Awards banquet to honor those state legislators who are heroes for the family. I am pictured with two such heroes, Rep. Mert Smiley and Rep. Eddie Lambert. I am so proud of these men as they have taken a stand for the family not just in talk but in their votes for the family this past legislative session. Both of them scored 100% on the LFF scorecard and each received the Patrick Henry award shown. We are blessed to be represented by two outstanding men of character. My prayer is that we would see the capital in Baton Rouge filled with men and women who would be heroes for the family. Family is the bedrock of our society and what is good for families is good for all of us. Thanks so much you 2 super heroes. Spiderman has nothing on you.

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