
A New Coaching Network

I was so impacted after my last coaching network that I enrolled in another one along with Wade.  He's going to plant a church in the semi-near future so I want to expose him to as much learning as I can to see him be a huge success, which I'm confident he will.  I believe that we all need coaching, no matter how long we've been a believer or what place we rise to in our walk.  All of the greats in sports and business utilized coaching.  I need it and look forward to it in my life now more than ever before.  What makes a person NOT want to be coached?  That's an interesting question that I'll explore here a little.  In Matt. 8:9ff the centurion spoke with Jesus and told Jesus he was a man UNDER authority.  He was coachable, and Jesus said about the centurion that HE had not seen such great faith.  I believe a lack of faith makes us uncoachable.  When we believe that God wants to do a great work in us, that God sends those exact people to us, then we have faith to submit to coaching and see ourselves grow.

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