
The "WHY?"

Paul writes in 1 Tim. 1:5-6

The purpose of my instructions is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith. 6. But some people have missed this whole point......and spend their time in meaningless discussions.

Why do we do what we do as believers? Why do we lead small groups? Why do we teach children or adults? So that everybody is filled with love.

Love is in such short supply in the world today and the church should have the largest reservoir of love in every community.
Wal-Mart sells everything, hardware stores have building supplies, dealerships sell cars, and the church should be full of love.  Love for the lost, love for the Lord, love for each other.  Not just any kind of love, but the kind that results from these 3 things:

1. A pure heart produces a pure love.  Pure means that it's "unmixed" with anything else.  Too often the love the world sees has a profit motive behind it or some other kind of agenda.  As we live for God with a pure heart then we'll demonstrate a pure love.  Love for the good of the one being loved, no ulterior motive and no agenda.  

2. Love produced by a clear conscience.  A guilty conscience loves in order to feel better about self.  That's not really acting in love at all.  When our conscience is clear before the Lord, then we can love and not really care how it's seen or perceived by others.  We know our hearts and can obey His leading without being overly concerned about what people think.

3. Love that results from a genuine faith.  Genuine faith is our response to the voice of the Master in our hearts.  Love that steps out at His Word, not based on convenient circumstances.  It's a love based on believing what God said rather than what is seen. 

This is the Why?

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