
ARC All Access Conference

Just returned from All Access 09 at C3 Church in Cleveland, NC. We traveled with our second year interns, Pastor Wade, and Pastor Bud Plake from Freedom Church. We had a great time reconnecting with friends from all over the US as well as meeting some new friends. Got to meet Ben and Katie Brinkman who have planted a church in downtown San Diego 12 weeks ago. ARC is such a strategic partnership for us here at HOF because we gather for a purpose, church planting. I truly believe that the hope of the world is found in Jesus Christ through the local church. It’s what Jesus gave His life to build, and will one day return for as a bride. So far this year, 30 new churches have been planted with a total attendance of 4000 people. Our vision is to plant 2000 new life-giving churches by the year 2020. I know that God is positioning HOF to be a part of that vision and we feel like there will be many churches planted out of HOF in the years to come. Our church has always planted from the days when my father pastored. You know the scripture says to bear fruit, and so we reproduce what we are. I read a great quote the other day, “the fruit of an apple tree is not an apple, but another apple tree”. We at HOF have a great church and our vision is to see not just more people at HOF, which we want to see, but more great churches.

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