
Belong Believe and Become

I'm still pumped after last Sunday's service especially seeing so many people make the decision to take the next step in their walk with the Lord. I've found that many feel bad about their lives because they just haven't ever had someone tell them what it looks like to "win" in life. A win in our life with Christ is just to be willing to take the next step with Him. For some that will mean water baptism, for some the baptism in the Holy Spirit, for some serving, but we all can take the next step in Christ. We are plagued by this notion that living for God is just a series of doing good things, when in reality God is helping us to become new creations. I believe that God has led me to this simple process that we at HOF are to help people to move through: Belong, Believe , and Become.

Belong: I can remember when I went away from Christ as a teenager and it was because I didn't
feel like I belonged. My goal is to make everyone who has any contact with HOF to
understand that they belong to Christ. The great church leader Paul said, "you belong
to God". That's huge because of what it also means, that we don't belong in some
places we find ourselves. When you know where you belong then it's easy to know
how to live.

I'll post more later

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