
#3 of the Top 5 Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings. 

"Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.  We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life. Either way, you win. "

Paul writing said, 

"Oh, dear Corinthian friends!  We have spoken honestly with you, and our hearts are open to you.  There is no lack of love on our part, but you have withheld your love from us.
2 Cor. 6:11-12

  • We all need to be able to speak from our hearts those things that we feel,  especially in relationship to others like our spouse or friends.
  • Honesty doesn't have to be and shouldn't be mean, but it does have to be honest.
  • It's this freedom to share our hearts that deepens and makes relationships much richer.
  • There is great value and healing in being apart of a relationship like this and you can find them in small groups at HOF.
  • Small groups are such a powerful tool that we all participate in already. Let's use what we already do and make a place for Jesus in it.
  • Are you in a place where you can share how you really feel?
  • Small groups for the summer are coming, get ready.

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