
Championship Saturday

I sat through several championship games on Saturday waiting for the one I had come to see. The thing that stuck out to me from my vantage point in the stands was the poor sportsmanship displayed by parents. Invariably if a call went against their team, parents would instantly blame the ref for cheating. As if any ref would cheat in an elementary girl's basketball championship game. What could possibly be the motive for that? The kids played hard and competed well, but I was just disgusted by the attitudes of some of the parents. I like to win as much as anyone, but it seems that winning has become everything. Often someone would yell at the refs over a call and the attitude was way out of line. I like to yell and get into the games as much as anyone, but we have to be aware of the unspoken line that is not to be crossed of good sportsmanship. I think we should support our team and not put down the opposition. I want to encourage all of you that will be at ball parks this spring and summer to represent Christ in the way you support your young people. People are always looking, I know I was.

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