A Brand New Year
I don't know about you but I feel a lot less stress about New Year's than Christmas. I guess it's because we do the Christmas Eve services, of which clips are posted here "Christmas Little Drummer Boy" and CAROL OF THE BELLS here. This week is a time to relax and watch some football, work some and spend time with friends and family. Looking forward to a new year, it's like a blank sheet of paper, empty but full of potential. Looking forward to all that God wants to accomplish this year. See you on Sunday, ready to go.l
Gift Card from God
Slow around the church this week between Christmas and New Years. Still thinking about God's gift cards we talked about Sunday. Those are promises that we have the ability to turn into realities in 2010. That's what Awakening is all about, getting ourselves in the place of faith to believe God's Word. Looking forward to the new series that accompanies the times of prayer and fasting. We will have the handout this Sunday and look forward to spending some time with our church family praying for direction, grace, and strength for this next year. I'm already giving some thought as to what I feel like God wants to do in me and in HOF. This verse sums up our theme for 2010 which will be "Grow in Love"
17 And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world.
1 John 4:17 (NLT)
Christmas Eve
I'm sitting here before we do the last Christmas Eve service just amazed at what a great church we have here at HOF. I'm not one to brag, but we have an incredible team. Michael has done a great job with the music and just everyone has a real heart to serve. We seen so many visit during these services and it's a joy to share the life changing message of the Good News. I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas this year. We are right on the doorstep of a new decade and I'm convinced that the best is yet to come. I pray that all of your families are blessed and that God will draw you even closer together at this time of the year. I want you all to know that you belong in God's family and at HOF. I guess tonight we'll open gifts with my family and then tomorrow they all come to my house.
The new year is right around the corner and Awakening is going to be huge this year. Each year we begin our year with 21 days of fasting and prayer called Awakening. You definitely will want to awaken your spirit to what God has for you in this next year. Check out the website
Excited about Christmas Eve Services
I just wanted to remind all of you that we are going to be doing 3 Christmas Eve services this year in order to serve you best. We are going to have a great time celebrating the birth of our King, Jesus Christ. I can't think of a better way to say, "I'm remembering what this time of the year is all about" than by spending some time worshipping with our church family. We will have one service on Wed., Dec. 23 at 7 pm and two services on Thursday, Dec. 24 at 5 pm and 6:30 pm. We've got some special things planned and as always, this is a great time to bring family and friends so that they might hear about God's love for them. Don't miss this opportunity to be a light this Christmas.
How do you decide?
One of the things we have to be sure we get right is knowing what is just us or what is God. Have you ever had a thought and then had to decide, was that a God thought or a me thought? Same with ideas and with emotions too. I've often had ideas that turned out to not be as great as I thought they were, and then there are our emotions. That anger, is it the righteous anger of the Lord or am I just ticked off because I didn't get my way. Then there are the decisions that we must make, do I make the decision that seems right to me or does God have a better plan or is what I'm thinking God's plan or my plan? So much would be clearer if we had a way to be able to tell God's ideas, emotions, plans from mine. Well we do.
Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)
12 For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
God's word cuts between the soul and the spirit. In other words it lets us know what's earthly and what's eternal. What's me and what's Him. What's good and what's God. In my soul is where my emotions, my will, and my thoughts are housed. But in my spirit is where I'm alive in Christ. By spending time in His Word, I'm able to know what's me and what's Him. A few verses before this one, the scripture says, Today when you hear his voice, don't harden your hearts. I know this, when I hear His voice and respond to it then my life takes on new meaning. When I've listened to my own, not so much. The key to life is knowing His voice and believing what He says. Have a great day.
You will bloom
I read this verse in the Psalms yesterday and can't get it out of my spirit. "Our days on earth are like grass, like wildflowers we bloom and die." Psalms 103:15 I felt like God spoke to me through this verse to focus on the bloom part. A flower is just another green plant until it blooms, then the flower distinctly signals it's species. In fact, plants are known by the descriptive name of their flower, the rose, the lily of the valley, the honeysuckle. There is an account in the scripture of Aaron's rod, which was a pretty typical accessory for every man in those times. It was a walking stick, a symbol of success, a reminder of the past, a means of defense, a tool of his trade. One day God told Moses to get the "stick" from the leader of each of the 12 tribes of Israel and put them before the Lord in the Tabernacle. Aaron's 'stick' blossomed and bloomed. In fact the inside of the most sacred room of the Tabernacle was decorated with "open flowers". I believe this verse contains a promise, that while we have but a temporary time to serve an eternal God, His promise to us is that we will bloom before we die. I don't feel like i've bloomed yet, what about you? I'm holding on to God's promise that if I live for Him, by His grace and power that I'll bloom and blossom into something that others can see and appreciate. We are in the middle of series about the family called HomeWork, and we'll be talking about how God wants our families and our lives to bloom as a tribute to His power. That word bloom can mean to grow in number but also to grow in maturity. It can mean to grow in size, or to grow together. It can also mean to grow up. God's desire is for every expression of growth in your life. The amazing truth is that Aaron's rod was just a dead stick, but in the presence of the Lord, the dead stick was made to bloom. We are just dead in our sins until we believe in Christ. Then His power makes dead things grow, it's miraculous. A favorite song of mine by Desperation Band goes like this: It's the miracle of Christ in me, a mystery that sets me free, I"m nothing like I used to be, just open up your eyes you'll see. Let's bloom.
Getting Along with People
One of the best skills that can be learned is the skill of getting along with people. In fact, so much so that a name has been given to it, EQ, or emotional quotient. EQ is a way to measure a person's emotional intelligence. As a college and bible school graduate, I'm thankful for all that I have been taught, but the one thing I don't remember anyone formally teaching is how to get along with people. Of course my parents tried as I grew up, but in a formal sense, no one really talked about the most important skill that you can learn. Paul sums it up in one verse to his protege' in the faith, Timothy. Timothy had been left in Colosse to pastor that church after Paul's departure.
1 Timothy 5:1-2 (NLT)
5 Never speak harshly to an older man,* but appeal to him respectfully as you would to your own father. Talk to younger men as you would to your own brothers. 2 Treat older women as you would your mother, and treat younger women with all purity as you would your own sisters.
- Always appeal to those older than you rather than telling them. It shows respect for elders, which God commands, when we choose to appeal or ask rather than to tell.
- Treat younger men as brothers. I never had a brother, but I have sons and to watch them interact is hilarious. They punch, fight, play, kid, share and laugh together. I always wanted a brother because of the special bond that brothers share. You can be yourself with your brother.
- Treat the older women like you would your own mother. Moms have a special place in our hearts as they should. That lady who's older than you is probably someone's mother and should be afforded that level of respect and courtesy.
- Treat the younger women as a sister. Living by this one verse takes all the tension out of dealing with those of the opposite sex. If we treated women as our sisters in Christ then we always see them in the right way and not in unhealthy ways that demean women.
Simply put, we live like we are related, I know that I enjoy my family so much because we live this out naturally, but I also enjoy my awesome church family because I choose to view them as my family in Christ.
Hearing Incredible Stories of God's Grace
I was talking with Vanessa this morning about last night's Girls Beautiful event, and she told me a great story about how God is moving in one lady's life. We are looking for those kinds of stories to use during our upcoming the Power of Hope sermon series. Hope is such a necessity for our lives and there are things that can diminish our hope. If you have a story of God giving you hope in your life, I'd like to hear it. email me at the address found on the website, www.hofchurch.com
Fan into flame
Paul tells Timothy to "fan into flames" the gift that God deposited into his life. Evidently Timothy was dealing with fear because the next verse states, "God hasn't given us a spirit of fear....". Paul is telling Timothy that the answer to problems and difficulties is to turn up the spiritual heat in our lives. After Hurricane Katrina left us a mess in the backyard, we worked hard to clean up. Most stuff was easy to deal with but I had 2 massive stumps that I couldn't deal with. Life can be just like that with storms that leave things we are unable to deal with like the unforgiveness from a bad relationship, fear from some failure, or insecurity because of a lack of love. We often try so hard to deal with the leftovers of a storm but Paul teaches us that it's better to fan the flames of our relationship with Christ. The hotter you are as a believer, then the less the things of this life affect our lives. Are you dealing with some stuff from a storm? Are you wondering how you'll move the immovable out of your life? Forget about the stumps and focus on getting on fire for Christ. How? Give yourself to those things that fan the flame: time in the Word, prayer, and fellowship with other believers. Trust me, this weekend I burned up the stumps and all I had to do was get the fire started and let the fire do the rest. So fan into flames the gift of God that's in you.
What's your message?
In Galations Paul states that his message wasn't taught to him, but revealed by the Holy Spirit. I began thinking, "what is my message?" I'm not talking about my message from the past Sunday but what is the core message of my life. If we were confident in our message then we'd always know what to say, maybe just find new applications of it for the different situations in which we are asked to share. Our message is that truth that God has called us to spread with our words, our lives, and our actions. Paul's message seemed to inspire a tremendous confidence in his life. There is something to be said for knowing what your life's message is and spending you life creatively finding ways and avenues in which to spread that message. What's your message? What is the truth that you didn't learn from a sermon, but in one of those memorable life altering times with God, He spoke it into your soul? Obviously there is much we can and should learn from those God has placed in our lives as mentors, teachers, pastors and such, but our core message can only be revealed by the Holy Spirit. Think about your life with Christ and ask yourself, What is my message? I know mine, do you know yours. I'm pumped about making it known.
A Team
I was privileged to participate in a leadership meeting with a great team for ARC. So many great young leaders in the ARC and so much passion for church planting, pastors and the local church. As alway, Billy Hornsby's leadership is critical in ARC being such a player in the world today where church planting is concerned. Florida was well represented with 3 or 4 pastors. It was good to spend some time again with P. Van Ducote who started in ministry here at HOF under my father. Big things are happening in the ARC and I'm blessed to have a part. I have such a heart for pastors and feel supremely blessed because my father in ministry is my father. Also have had valuable connections with some incredible leaders and that continues. I love the DNA of ARC, life-giving, real, and connecting. It was great to meet Ron Sylvia, who leads a coaching network for pastors and i'm so excited to be a part of getting some coaching and also, being a coach for someone. That's what leading is all about. You are always in the middle, being led and leading others.
Back in the Saddle
I'm back in the office today and slowly getting into the swing. I'm really excited to hear all the great stuff that happened while I was away on vacation. I hear that P. Greg really did a great job on Sunday, never doubted that. P. Wade and others come through and painted the EA Teacher's Lounge to help out a local school that's doing a good job. Celebrate Recovery just keeps loving people. I'm getting excited about part 2 of the series on Show Your Love. This week we will jump even deeper into what I believe is the essence of what it means to be the church. Love to see you this weekend at HOF. Also, a reminder that Rock the River is happening this weekend, come on out to the levee lots at LSU and be a part of local church history.
On Vacation
On vacation for some much needed rest and relaxation. In Florida having a blast just hanging out with the kids and with friends. Today we went in the boat around the Destin bridge area, it was spectacular. Water was clear and people everywhere. We anchored the boat on a sand bar and played in the water for several hours. Nice people and a lot of fun. Rest is such an essential part of our lives. We are gearing up for the busiest times of the year from the start of school till Christmas. It seems like much gets done in the church world during that time. Rest is much more important especially when you work hard. Getting into God's rhythm of 6 days work and 1 of rest is a key component also. I'll be back soon.
Second Half part 3
This is the 3rd part of what I felt God spoke to us during the Awakening time of prayer and fasting at the first of the year. The third thing was that God was going to take away our reproach. God spoke to a childless woman in the OT and told her that HE would take away her reproach. I really believe that this is going to be a very fruitful time for the kingdom. As we embrace this new wine skin of LOVE and that new grace from God is on our lives, then we are going to see more fruitfulness in our lives than at any time before. God’s desire for all of us is for us to be fruitful. A fruitful person is a happy person, a blessed person, a fulfilled person. It reminds me of our life with our children, in that we have much fulfillment in seeing our children and them grow and have success. Whatever has been your reproach, your burden, the thing that has weighed heavy on your mind I know that God desires to take it away and free you to be what He’s destined you to be. The Psalmist wrote that God has a glorious destiny for me and I believe it for you , for me, and for HOF.
Second Half part 2
The second thing that God spoke to me about our church and this year was: you will be anointed with the finest of oil. That is a portion of scripture found in Psalms. I believe that when we begin to operate in the Love of God that a new anointing is going to be in operation in our life, church, and relationships. God’s anointing or blessing on our lives is the best thing that can happen in and to us. God’s hand on your life is the best thing that could ever happen to you, it’s better than anything money could buy or influential people could do. God’s desire is to pour out His best on His children, He’s not holding back, but desires to bless.
Second Half
I want to remind you what I felt like God spoke to me during the fast at the first of this year when we observed a time of Awakening. There were three things that I felt like God spoke to me during those 21 days of fasting and prayer. 1. New wine for a new wine skin. I really believe that a new wine is going to be poured out as we are open to serving God with a new wine skin. In other words, what has worked in times past will not be effective today. Wineskins got dry and brittle and inflexible and were not fit to hold new wine, which was the best wine. Churches and people can get inflexible also. This new series on Show YOUR LOVE is the new wine skin that God is going to use to pour out some new wine into our lives. I'm so pumped and excited about the second half of the year at HOF. Don't miss Sunday or any of the sermons in the series, we are going to have a blast hearing God's heart of love for us and learning how to love others. That's what life is all about. Vanessa has been gone for 6 days and without someone to love life really loses it's meaning.
New Rev on David
I was having my quiet time this morning and reading the account of David's sin with Bathsheba and Uriah. For those who aren't familiar, David saw Bathsheba bathing on a rooftop and even though she was married to another, he took her for himself and had her husband, Uriah, killed in battle. I thought about Psalm 53 that David wrote as he was finding his way through that time where he lost his way. His prayer in Psalms 51:1 taught me something. It says, "have mercy on me Oh God because of your unfailing love. Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sin." David had an understanding of God that is revealed in his prayer. He knew that God forgives us because of His love for us not because of how bad we may feel. He put his faith in God's compassion to remove the stain of sin rather than his own feelings of remorse. David kept his eyes on God even through repentance. It's so tempting to focus on how everything makes "you" feel, but we need to be reminded that God is good and merciful and just and righteous and forgiving because that's who He IS. Not because of anything I may feel about myself. You know what that means? That there is hope for all of us, no matter who you are or where you are at in life. God loves you and because of His mercy and His compassion He desires to make us right with Him.
Man Up Tonight

I want to remind and invite all men who want to have a great time tonight to our Man Up meeting in the Activity Center at HOF. We have turned tonight's meeting into a College World Series watch party with the first pitch around 6:00 pm. We have a meal prepared and we are going to turn this place into Omaha South for tonight. Come and bring your friends, this championship will be much better enjoyed with a couple of hundred of your closest friends. We are going to go live to Omaha and speak to some guys that will be at Rosenblatt. Acts 2:42 says that, "... believers devoted themselves to ...fellowship, and to sharing in meals...". Come help us cheer on the Tigers or of course feel free to cheer for the Short Horns. I feel a homerun coming on. LSU versus right handed pitching has been nails. We'll see, whether the Tigers win or not, Jesus is still Lord and I'm still saved.
This is the day
This is going to be a great weekend at HOF. For starters we get to kick off the weekend by watching LSU pound the piggies today then to celebrate a big Father's Day Sunday we have Pastor Stovall Weems of Celebration Church doing his One Prayer message on God is MERCIFUL. I can't wait to be a part of what God has to say through Pastor Stovall this Sunday and you won't want to miss it. I'm encouraging you to bring your father, bring your husband, bring your sons, bring everyone and anyone to hear that God is Merciful. Then to cap off the weekend, Man Up on Monday night at 7 in the Activity Center on campus. What a weekend and its great serving God in Gonzales.
Loving People, Loving God, Loving Life
I've been thinking about the most significant moments I've had and one is definitely when I experienced a new revelation of God's love for me. That has motivated me since then and really it's love that is our motivation to live for God. Jesus was asked the most important commandments and He said, "love God with everything you are, and love people". That's my paraphrase by the way. As a church our challenge is how do we say, God loves you and we love you to our community, to each other, and to the world. Here's one way we have be able to say "I love you" to a small part of the world in Zimbabwe in the city of Masvingo. See the pictures. Feeding children has made such a difference there. The school staff tells us that since we've been feeding, attendance is up, scores are up, and kids are more motivated to learn. We are learning how to say, "I love you" and it's what the world is dying to hear. Not just words, but really believe that someone loves them.
Feeding Center
I've posted a short video that showed some of the kids that we are partnering to feed once a day, 5 days a week. i cannot tell you how much they appreciate the food. Everyone from the kids to the school staff, to the local people expressed thanks for the work that was being done. The food is cooked by volunteers from the church that we helped to plant and they serve the children at school each day. As a result of the feeding program attendance has increased, scores have gone up, and one school has become the top performing school in the whole nation of Zimbabwe. The real difference is made in the life of a young girl as they are the ones most impacted by the feeding program. Without the ability to read and write young girls often feel no other option to survive but by selling their bodies for what they need. This of course perpetuates the cycle of brokenness that devastates lives and families. We are partnering with Celebration Church, Children's Cup, and several other organizations to feed 3000 kids per day at 2 different schools. The best is yet to come.
Children's Cup,
feeding children,
Out of Africa



I'm going to be blogging and posting some pictures of the incredible trip we had to Swaziland, South
Africa, and Zimbabwe on the continent of Africa. First let me give you the schedule we had. We landed in Johannesburg, SA on a Mon. evening, spent the night resting and on Tues. we flew to Swaziland. A pastor's conference began on Wed. in the Swazi capitol of Mbabane at HPC-Swaziland hosted by Pastor Ben Rodgers. I spoke Wed. evening on One Hope as well as did Pastor Mark Stermer and the Holy Spirit really touched pastors hearts that Wed. night. The conference continued all day Thurs. with sessions in the morning on One Heart, panel discussions on problems pastors face as well as times of fellowship for the pastors attending during meals. On Thursday afternoon we, pastors, did a serve project at the nearby Care Points that Children's Cup lead. It was a new experience to see pastors serving the orphan and underprivileged kids of their country. Pastor is more of a profession in Swaziland rather than a lcalling. Friday we had some time for fun with a morning horse ride through the countryside at a local game park. Friday night we spent the night at a game park and Saturday morning I got to take Connor on a hunt. He loved that. Sunday I spoke at the church and then we relaxed that afternoon. We flew to Zimbabwe via Jo-burg on Monday morning having lunch in Bulawayo with Pastor Dixon and Pastor Stovall Weems. We then were driven 3 hrs to the city of Masvingo where we spent the next 2 days visiting our carepoint lead by Pastor Samson and his wife Nomsa. Then it was back to Jo-burg for the flight home.
From Africa
What's up everyone? Í'm sitting in Pastor Ben Rodgers office at the church in Swaziland posting this blog. We've had an incredible day, started off up early to spend time with the Lord, then we headed to the conference where I spoke once then was part of a panel of pastors. We then headed to a local Care Point to show the local pastors how to do a serve project. We gave out candy to approximately 220 kids and the older pastors played soccer with the younger boys while the girls did some traditional dance. Many of these children are considered orphans because of losing one of their parents. It was great to hug them and spend a little time in their world. the weather is phenomenal, cool in the mornings and warm during the day. It's been a worldwind tour here and the best is still to come. I want to urge all of you that will to pray for Connor and I as we make this journey.
Ben Rodgers,
Jambalaya Festival
Just made a pass through the Jambalaya Festival and what a day for it. I saw a pot of jambalaya being cooked that is estimated to feed 4000 people. I'll try to attach a picture because it's awesome. 650 pounds of rice were used.
The Servolution Continues
A real spirit of serving has been unleashed in the house from Servolution '09. Just this past week we were able to bless the principals of all the schools in Ascension parish with a gift bag and a few small things just to say how much we appreciate their serving in the school system. I know the majority of calls and visits are probably problems that need to be worked out and we just wanted to say to them "Thanks". I got to know a middle school principal a little during Servolution '09 and was amazed at the dedication, hours, and heart she had for her school.
Today, we have a team at one of the middle schools giving out sno-balls to 600 middle schoolers as part of a fun day at the school.
It's amazing how God moves when we just love others in the smallest ways. I challenge you to start right where you are and look for little things and small ways to "express" acts of love to those around you. Love was never meant just to be spoken about but to be felt by actions. It's the hallmark distinction of the church to love one another and also to love what Jesus loves, people. Jesus spoke to Peter and told him, "If you love me, feed my sheep." If you love Jesus, who are you going to love?
Follow Me on Twitter
I've not been too diligent in doing the blogging thing, but you can follow me on Twitter@ twitter.com/bledseaux. These social networks are fascinating things. When I want to see what some of my children are doing, I can check their Facebook accounts. It seems that connecting is a high priority but its on a very limited basis. It's fun to follow people and get a glimpse into their lives. The great thing is that I can Twitter from my phone and instantly give updates on what's happening in my life. It's pretty biblical in a way because you follow people and others follow you. I can't help but think about Paul's comments to the church in Corinth in I Cor. 11:1 "follow my example as I foll0w Christ example." We should all be following Christ and allowing someone to follow us.
ARC All Access Conference
Just returned from All Access 09 at C3 Church in Cleveland, NC. We traveled with our second year interns, Pastor Wade, and Pastor Bud Plake from Freedom Church. We had a great time reconnecting with friends from all over the US as well as meeting some new friends. Got to meet Ben and Katie Brinkman who have planted a church in downtown San Diego 12 weeks ago. ARC is such a strategic partnership for us here at HOF because we gather for a purpose, church planting. I truly believe that the hope of the world is found in Jesus Christ through the local church. It’s what Jesus gave His life to build, and will one day return for as a bride. So far this year, 30 new churches have been planted with a total attendance of 4000 people. Our vision is to plant 2000 new life-giving churches by the year 2020. I know that God is positioning HOF to be a part of that vision and we feel like there will be many churches planted out of HOF in the years to come. Our church has always planted from the days when my father pastored. You know the scripture says to bear fruit, and so we reproduce what we are. I read a great quote the other day, “the fruit of an apple tree is not an apple, but another apple tree”. We at HOF have a great church and our vision is to see not just more people at HOF, which we want to see, but more great churches.
Day to Be Dad

Got to just be dad today with my 7 yr. old Nathan. He had a fieldtrip to New Orleans to the Aquarium and the IMAX theatre. We had a blast just hanging out looking at cool stuff and him being there with his friends from school. I love watching him interact with the boys in his class and also the girls. You get a better picture of who they are developing into as you watch them respond to the teacher and friends. We are so blessed to have a great school like Faith Academy and devoted teachers like Ms. Christian, yes that’s really her name. Nathan thinks the world of her, and so do we. She treats it as more than a job, she really loves our children and we can tell. Its good to put faces with the names we hear at the dinner table and in some cases meet their parents. Great day for going to New Orleans, it was beautiful.
The Lutcher/Gramercy Meeting
We had a great time meeting with some people on Saturday morning about launching a campus in the Lutcher/Gramercy area. Got to share vision and our heart for what we believe God has called us to do. A lot of work has gone into that place by our XG youth as they have been doing a Thursday night youth meeting since Oct. 192006. We feel that the next logical step is a full blown church plant. We already have a campus pastor, a campus youth pastor, and children’s workers, plus worship is in place. We are going to be building a core over the next few weeks and months toward a goal to launch sometime this summer/fall. If you want to be a part of that team then email me and we’ll get you in the loop. Jesus spoke before His Ascension and said, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone…” Well, I’ve got to go.
Well the banquet on Saturday night was phenomenal. We had a packed house and everything was great. The food by Chef KD was excellent as well as the desserts and especially that salad dressing, first class. I want to thank Polly and her team of decorators for transforming the gym into an elegant affair. I would forget one if I tried to list them all, but Rhonda, Derenda, Tina, Karen, Vanessa, and the staff were as usual, right there. I want to thank our interns and several singles for stepping up in the area of food prep and serving. Someone suggested we open a restaurant, I don’t know about that. The interns and singles really worked well with Chef’s crew to make it a tremendous night. As always our tech guys and staff, they just continue to produce and do all that the Lord puts in my heart to do. I say thanks to you all. I can’t forget Mama Nell and her famous peanut butter chocolate chip cookies that pulled us through. Great night, lots of tears and believing for “results” in the families of HOF and beyond. It was great spending Valentine’s Day with you all. See you at the series.
Jesus Begins
After His time of testing, Jesus then stepped into God’s will for his life: ministry. Don’t let the “churchy” use of that word get to you but understand what it means: serve. It means to serve by executing the commands of someone else. Jesus began to carry out what the Father showed Him and spoke to Him. In fact a prophecy from Isaiah is quoted which says in part:
“the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined.” Matt. 4:16
A great light shines in the darkness of the lives of people when we have a heart to serve, or do God’s will and not our own. Why, because it is so unnatural to see people serve others with no personal motive in mind. I know your local business person will serve you because they want to sell a product or service, and that’s natural. Many will ask us to serve their good cause, their good dream, or their good service in fact sometimes far too many will ask. Shining like a beacon on a dark night or a star in a black sky stands the person who has no agenda other than God’s. Serve to see the broken healed, the bound set free, the weary refreshed. Jesus began to serve and changed the course of humanity. Let’s get started and see what God does.
“the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined.” Matt. 4:16
A great light shines in the darkness of the lives of people when we have a heart to serve, or do God’s will and not our own. Why, because it is so unnatural to see people serve others with no personal motive in mind. I know your local business person will serve you because they want to sell a product or service, and that’s natural. Many will ask us to serve their good cause, their good dream, or their good service in fact sometimes far too many will ask. Shining like a beacon on a dark night or a star in a black sky stands the person who has no agenda other than God’s. Serve to see the broken healed, the bound set free, the weary refreshed. Jesus began to serve and changed the course of humanity. Let’s get started and see what God does.
After the fast
In Matthew 4, Jesus encounters a time of temptation either during or just after 40 days of a fast. It’s important to note that you can count on a test in your life even after something as monumental as 21 days of fasting. If you haven’t already gone through your trial, then your time is coming. I love how Jesus made it through, by quoting scripture. You can rely on the Word that is in you through those times of reading and hearing the scripture to battle the devil and his attempt to tempt you. God’s Word is powerful, and is the only way to stand against the devil’s attacks in our personal lives. It’s eternal so what worked for Jesus will work today. It’s specific to the particular area you are being tempted in: ethics, fear, morals, finances, or spiritual. Each temptation was the Satan’s attempt to have Jesus take a shortcut, cutting out God, to meet some legitimate need in His life. Turn bread into stones, but man needs more than bread. If you are the Son of God then jump, but we need to trust that God is protecting us. Bow down and have it all, but we only worship and serve God. Jesus showed us how to make it through and in Christ you and I will make it through also. Be blessed.
The Fast is Over
As we put our time of fasting behind us for this year I want to share with you in the next few blogs several tips I’ve learned over the years so that your investment in spiritual things can be of the most value to you. Here goes: Live a fasted lifestyle.
Many have remarked to me that they wished we could continue on in fasting and prayer and getting together each evening at the church. That is just not possible to keep that kind of schedule, nor is it healthy. I want you to know that the presence of God is not confined to our church auditorium, but you can enjoy Him anytime you are willing to get into a quiet place of life and make room for the Holy Spirit, He’ll respond. The reason times of fasting are so successful in bringing awakening is that we learn to say no to our flesh and God honors that. I encourage you to live a fasted lifestyle. That means make saying no to your flesh a regular, intentional part of your everyday life. We do this when we turn off the TV to pray, forego a little sleep to read our Bible, push away from the extra helping of food to go and spend time with the Holy Spirit. You don’t have to indulge your flesh in everything it wants or you will feel the pull of the world in your life. As we have been discovering, change your thinking and change your life.
Many have remarked to me that they wished we could continue on in fasting and prayer and getting together each evening at the church. That is just not possible to keep that kind of schedule, nor is it healthy. I want you to know that the presence of God is not confined to our church auditorium, but you can enjoy Him anytime you are willing to get into a quiet place of life and make room for the Holy Spirit, He’ll respond. The reason times of fasting are so successful in bringing awakening is that we learn to say no to our flesh and God honors that. I encourage you to live a fasted lifestyle. That means make saying no to your flesh a regular, intentional part of your everyday life. We do this when we turn off the TV to pray, forego a little sleep to read our Bible, push away from the extra helping of food to go and spend time with the Holy Spirit. You don’t have to indulge your flesh in everything it wants or you will feel the pull of the world in your life. As we have been discovering, change your thinking and change your life.
Prayer Blog
Hey it’s been a while since I last blogged, sometimes I just get bored with the whole blogging thing. However, I never get bored with prayer. Prayer has been very important to me personally and this time of prayer has also been great. We have seen so many come out as we bombard Heaven. It’s also great to see the mix of people who come to prayer, from every generation and that’s important because God wants them all. This week we are concentrating on the part of our vision that declares that prisoners will be set free. Seeing spiritual breakthroughs in 09 is a major focus, so that God’s people can “be” who God has called us, gifted us, and positioned us to be. Today marks the half way mark of our fast and as we prayed this morning for all the faster that God’s grace would be on our lives as we obey His voice.
Excited about the fast
Tonight is our first Wednesday night of 2009 and I’m pumped as we move into our annual time of fasting. We’ll be talking about that tonight as we prepare for The Awakening series that begins this Sunday. This is always such a great time of spiritual momentum for HOF and we desperately need all who can to be involved and committed. Here are some dates for you to remember
Fast dates : Jan 11- Jan 31
Nightly prayer: Each night at 7:00 pm except Wed. nights
Awakening Series: starting Jan. 11 for 5 Sundays
Anointing service: Wed, Feb. 4 @ 7 pm
Fast dates : Jan 11- Jan 31
Nightly prayer: Each night at 7:00 pm except Wed. nights
Awakening Series: starting Jan. 11 for 5 Sundays
Anointing service: Wed, Feb. 4 @ 7 pm
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