
Clean Your Windshield

One of the things I absolutely can't stand is when the windshield on my truck gets dirty with bug guts, dirt, and whatever else.  So when I get gas, I often wash my windshield because I love having clear vision when I drive.  I want to share with you how to have clear vision when you live.  I was at small group last night and this verse really spoke to me.

Romans 1:21 says, "Yes they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks.  And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like.  As a result, their minds became dark and confused."

Wouldn't we all love to clearly see God, because when I can see Him, then it brings the rest of my life into focus: my relationships, things, finances, ministry, etc..  I've talk to some people with a whacked out picture of who God is and now I know why.

Worship and Thanks

Something powerful happens when we worship, yes that 20-30 minutes before the preaching is included as well as our own private worship time.  By worshipping, God reveals Himself to us, and we begin to see Him as He really is, not a legend, or a fairy tale, or some man's opinion, but God Almightly.
 Thanksgiving is the beginning of worship and it's a great starting place.  If you don't know how to worship always start by giving Him thanks for all the good things in your life.  Just thank Him for the normal, the routine, the incredible and the familiar.  Breath, life, air, sun, spouse, kids, job, you're getting the idea.  Giving thanks is starter worship.  As you thank Him, then you will begin to gain an understanding of how much more He wants to be to you and do for you, and then the worship kicks in.  When you can get a picture of who God is: Savior, Redeemer, Comforter, Friend, Father, it's will clarify how He desires to work in our lives.  He doesn't just want to save you from sin, but give you life and purpose and walk with you through this life as a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
 In reality, some of our ideas about who God is and how He deals with us are just foolish.  You'll never know until you worship and thank Him for what He's done and doing.

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