
Merry Christmas

Today we had a short time with staff to give them a neat gift that I’ve been waiting for months to give them. It’s these nice Nike pullover jackets with our logo on them. I ordered them last year and we got them in the summer and I’ve had them stored at my house all this time. You have no idea how many times that I wanted to tell them or give them the gift that we had gotten just for them. It was especially bad when it began to cool off a little and the jacket would have been just perfect. I believe that is how God is towards us. I can only imagine how anxious He is to give us the good gifts that He’s gotten for us. We are in the middle of a short Christmas series that we will be talking about these things and I know that there are some incredible gifts in the lives and hearts of HOF that have yet to be discovered, discipled and delivered to the body of Christ and to the world. C’mon HOF, in 2008 let this be the year that you give the gifts to the world that God has given to you. The best is yet to come, I can feel it.

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