

Yesterday I had the chance to hang out with some of my pastor friends, Bud Plake and Doug McAllister and Carl. Bud and Carl pastor in Frost @ Freedom Church and Doug in Slidell @ Journey Church. Doug had a thriving ministry that was wiped out by Katrina and they have since relocated and God is using them to rebuild that area and a great church. Bud took over a work in Frost and has seen it steadily grow into a real life-giving church. One of the highlights of my life is in spending time with other pastors and that doesn’t happen nearly enough. We talk church, life, and dream together. God always uses other people to speak into my life in an area that may be their strength and my weakness. One of the first things I asked God for was a friend when I told the Lord I would obey the call to preach. I’ve since found out that to have a friend I need to be a friend. Making phone calls, sending text messages, emailing others is a great way to give friendship. When I give, that’s when I have received. These are some incredible men that God is using powerfully and I wanted you to meet them. We ate lunch at Chili’s and I won’t tell who picked up the check.

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