
New Leader

I just got back from attending several landmark events in our state, the Governor’s Inaugural Prayer Breakfast and the Inauguration itself on the steps of our state capital. I feel like I would look back on this day many years from now as a historical event and I wanted to be there in person. Gov. Jindal spoke about change; ethics reform is going to be his first agenda as he calls the legislature to a special session in Feb. He feels as though LA has been a victim of typical Louisiana politics where officials serve themselves first instead of serving the people they were elected to serve. The second part of his agenda will be transforming LA’s economy to be more job maker friendly. The third part has to do with improving our educational system so that business will have the needed labor force to prosper here. Gov. Jindal has always been open and candid about his salvation and faith and today was no different. You often hear references to “God” but his has a ring of authenticity not often experienced. I want to encourage you all to pray for all of our newly sworn in leaders at the state level as we step into a new chapter of life in LA.

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