
Secrets to success

Pictured above is a family that came to HOF several years ago. What I remember is that Jennifer and Bob attended a Growing Kids God’s Way class Vanessa and I taught and they were all ears. They are a blended family and they were hungry to hear what God taught about just about anything. The thing that struck me was that we would teach and they would go home and implement what they heard. Jesus said that the ones who hear His words and do them are like the ones who build on a rock. As I look back, I now see why they have been so successful. Their time with us was too brief, work took them to several other states and churches and they are about to embark on another adventure of living in Singapore after spending some time in Japan. They have been involved and used in the local churches where they have served at each step. As I thought about why some people find success I couldn’t help but think of them. It was great to see them a few weeks ago and know they are still serving the Lord now it’s all over the world. I hope to visit them in Singapore and do some electronics shopping. Bob, Jen and kids, if you’re reading, we love you and know that the best is yet to come for you all.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Scott -- we feel so blessed to have met you when we did. Our blended family was just "starting out" when we came to Household of Faith. We learned not only how to raise kids according to God's Word, but through your messages and the classes we were able to take at HOF, we learned to be servants. That is such a HUGE thing! It is because of this attitude - of servanthood - that our family has been so blessed. We tell countless stories of all God has done for us, and all the stories trace back to you, Vanessa and Household of Faith. We truly love you guys and hope you will come see us in Singapore!