
Fishing with the family

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the youngest 3 Bledsoe kids and I went fishing with Mom and Dad. We had a blast catching redfish and just being together away from home. Check out the videos of the kids doing their thing. Spending time with my children is some of the best use of my time because much more is happening than just fishing. We talked about all kinds of things and of course it gave me the open door to speak into their lives about different issues that come up on a trip like that. One asked about dying, I talked to another about valuing all life, I also got to talk about respecting other’s property. Life is a great big classroom and it’s our responsibility to teach our children, not school, not Club Faith, but my responsibility as a parent. School and Club Faith should reinforce what I’m already saying to them. As they follow me, I get to make something out of them. It’s one of the great joys in life to mold my children and help shape them into fully devoted followers of Christ. It’s also why I pray, because I can only do so much and then they must choose Jesus. HOF is a place where they can choose Christ, I want there to be other places around the world for “other’s” children too.

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